It’s a new year… again. 2011 absolutely flew by. The one certain thing in life is that things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not so much. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go all deep or into ridiculous detail about the changes in my life (they’re just not that interesting). But I will tell you what’s going on with me, creatively speaking.
While I don’t make new years resolutions (because I’m constantly making goals and plans year round) I have lately been inspired to make what I want, when I want, thus removing the pressure on myself to do otherwise. Over the new year’s weekend, we spent a few nights with my husband’s whole family in Seaside. I had a nice chat with my sis-in-law Stephanie, and she was communicating how she had had so much going on and she had to evaluate the pressure she was putting on herself. At the time I didn’t feel like I was also experiencing that, but the chat resonated something with me and I feel a new freedom about my side-business and creations in general.
My creative time is limited so when I have time to make jewelry it’s usually because I have to fill orders. This is fine as long as I’m selling items I enjoy making. I have also missed my other crafty projects, so with Jane Austen as my inspiration, I will be adding other items to my Etsy shop like coin purses, altered journals, decorative bottles, and whatever else I come up with. New Sense and Sensibility designs as well as other literary quote designs are now available – just in time for Valentine’s Day!
So creatively speaking I’m in a good place and I’m enjoying my time spent creating. My true passion is interior decorating, I love doing it and never get tired of daydreaming new ideas for my home or others’ homes. I’ve saved my jewelry earnings from the holiday season with the intention of buying a new kitchen table with some of it. Our table is about 10 years old and the blemishes and finish have been annoying me for some time, and the shape isn’t my favorite. But for now, instead of replacing it, I’m going to revamp it and give it a vintage French country look (even though the design doesn’t lend itself to that era). And then when I tire of that, I will feel justified to replace it. I’m very excited about it and can’t wait for some time to start. I’m also planning on embellishing my back-door curtains that are in front of the table to flow with the new look. Here’s the before picture, stay tuned for the after picture.