This is my first blog, and I must say that I’m not a writer so bare with me. I’d like to start by sharing just a bit about me before explaining the title of this blog. My name is Amy, I am a wife, mother, friend, full-time state of Oregon employee, interior decorator, general crafter, and a jewelry designer. All my friends and family know me to be creating something, planning something, or decorating something whenever I can. I don’t think of myself as an artist at all, that’s a bit too much credit, but I do accept the compliment of being creative. I love to express that creativity in many different ways. My friends and family have been extremely supportive in all my crafty money-making ventures and I owe them my unending gratitude for my success today and tomorrow. Without their love, support, encouragement, and desire for my success I’d be less creative and pretty depressed.
My new adventure was created for me, and I’m truly trying to focus on the positives which is why I refer to it as an adventure. The state government agency I work for is experiencing extreme budget shortfalls. The agency had to layoff several positions, and because we are under a union, we have options to “bump” or displace another position if we have more seniority and qualify for the position. Consequently, I was bumped out of my position and my last day is July 16, 2010. The worst part is leaving my work group. I work and sit by my best friend Ana, I work with other amazing friends that are like family, I have the perfect schedule and a lot of flexibility, I have a window seat (this may seem triffle but if you’ve worked in cubicleville you understand), and I really enjoy what I do because I’m good at it and I’ve had many opportunities to learn new things. Needless to say, the news grieved me and my friends greatly, but my new adventure (besides starting a new job) is looking forward to implementing new jewelry designs. The change in my career has afforded me with the opportunity to look at my life, my personal goals, and perspective.
With the opportunity to take a look at how I’m spending my time on this earth, I have been encouraged by a new vision. I have felt a little burnt out making jewelry lately, and have even considered closing my online shop. The economy has influenced my sales, and I have been distracted by other things also. My fire for design was all but a flicker until I stumbled upon a beautiful technique that I’ve been obsessing about for over a month now. I discovered an enameled bangle bracelet and instantly knew I had to learn how to create such a piece. I currently know basic wire techniques, resin, brass patination, stamping metal, PMC silver clay, soldering, and now it’s time to add a new skill to my design belt. The catch is that enameling is expensive, there’s a lot to learn, and I can’t find a class in my area. I am on the waiting list for a class in Portland, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Regardless of the present obstacles, I am determined to learn how to enamel copper and reinvent my online jewelry shop and vision.
Today, my new outlook is that I’m the only one who can limit me. Money can’t limit me because I can save. Others can’t limit me if I don’t let them. A lack of knowledge can’t limit me because I can learn. So at the optimistic age of 32, I’m going to move forward in living a life worthy of being called a positive legacy for my daughter Sawyer (almost 4 years old). I want her to have courage to pursue what she wants in life, from anything as simple as learning to drive a stick shift, to as complex as completing training in her area of interest. My relationship with God gives me hope and strength to do many things, and I believe that creating things is one of my gifts so I’m going to continue to walk in it, and watch how God uses me and my gifts.