People that know me even just a little, can sense that I’m an organized person. Some may call it OCD, but I can’t seem to be disorganized so why fight it. This summer has been busier than expected and I have several things in the hopper. Some of the things I do to stay on track and meet my goals are: posting deadlines, tasks, and reminders in my Outlook calendar; keeping an orderly to-do list with due dates and details; communicate my goals and deadlines with loved ones so they don’t schedule impromptu events on me; and lastly I try to do something each day to work towards my goals even if it’s not enough to check something off my list. My husband is truly amazed by my extensive checklists, he’d be more amazed if he read the detail involved but I spare him and accept the general compliment. The truth is, I can’t enjoy planning or preparing for something if I don’t feel organized about it. Once I get my thoughts down on paper and do the logistical part of planning, I can really enjoy the fun creative parts. I start big; who, what, where, when, how, etc. and then drill down into each and so on. And because my money doesn’t grown on trees, I have to take that into consideration also and plan ahead so that I don’t break the bank when buying items for an event. I often daydream about how much I could get done if I wasn’t at work all day. So when I am at home I want to make the most of my time and not miss out on life. Once my daughter goes to bed, and my husband gets on his laptop to work, I get to work also and use my 2 hours before bedtime the best that I can. It’s much easier to get started by referring to my ready checklists and digging in, all the decisions and planning has been done so I don’t have to waste time contemplating the details when it’s time to have fun creating them.
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